Monday, September 30, 2019

Morality and Ethicality of Using Sexual Advertising Essay

The development of technology made the role of advertising very crucial with the use of televisions, radios, magazines, posters and the internet. The main objective of a marketer is to increase the number of customers or the use of his customers for a product or service. In modern marketing sexual appeal has become the number one strategy in advertising. In fact, it was one of the greatest accepted techniques in marketing worldwide because it proved that it reaches customers in a great way. Especially when it comes to certain products such as cigarettes, jewelry, perfumes, cosmetics, candy, liquor and fashion goods. Since those products are mainly image-based and the use of sex appeal, sexy illustrations, and sex in general, in advertising can big effects on several elements of an advertising and buyer behavior model. The effects may be positive but if it weren’t used in the proper way it might carry on many severe negative effects. Marketers are trying to captivate people’s minds and attract them by putting for example sexy models or revealing clothes and moreover, they are positioning their brand as sexual and that the customers will have sex related benefit if they buy their product or service. A big number of people might deny the effect of these sexually oriented advertisements on them claiming that its’ not the reason why they buy a product or service. However, indirectly whether they accept this product or not they are talking about the advertisement or thinking about it in their unconscious which sheds lights on it. Especially the teen segment which are from 13 till 18 year olds they are affected by this method of advertising in a great way. Thus, there are many ethical questions associated with this strategy because its’ becoming obviously clear how sex is being used to target teens. Aims: This research attempts to shed the light on advertising companies and the way they are using sexual methods order to attract teenagers into buying their products. We are going to discuss in detail its effectiveness on teenagers positively and negatively and the ethicality of such approach. questions: 1-what are the sexual methods used by marketers to reach teen customers? 2-what are the negative and positive effects of sex appeal in advertisement? 3- why teens are the target audience for these advertisements? 4- is it against the law and regulation of adv to present a product in a sexual way? When conducting this market study, we will be using two types of research designs, exploratory as well as descriptive in order to answer the research questions and develop the conclusion. At the first place, we begin our study by an exploratory research design; its purpose is to further understand the subject. It involves an interview with marketers or unethical Ads creators, this interview will be presented by informal questionnaires that are a guide to the types of questions to be asked, however, the respondents were given the flexibility to add or explain further issues if needed. As for the descriptive research that will be conducted later on in the research, it involves a bunch of questionnaires with multiple choice answers that improve the quality and accuracy of these questionnaires, which will be tested on a number of teen respondents. And since in this research we are studying teen’s attitudes and perceptions towards unethical advertisements then our studies and collecting data will be based on qualitative research. Human evolutions open the opportunity for advertising to use sex as a way to be more attractive and efficient. Advertising is being smart so that it plays on man’s instinct to seek success and leaves theoretical and practical implications behind it. Let us remember that the major part of men is concerned in women’s beauty throughout her body. Thus, women’s body is considered to be an important tool that advertising uses to let men express interest. In addition, using women’s bodies is shown to be the easiest way to get men’s attention and advertising is trying to get advantages by doing so. Taking the other gender, it not that easy to take the attention of a woman because women regardless its instinct view of the world is an intellectual person as much as sometimes can control its instinct.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay

Classroom Management is an essential element in implementing a successful learning environment for students. A teacher who implements a classroom management plan will control student’s misbehavior so that all students will be focused on the lessons being taught in the classroom. Below is an annotated list of points that I believe in concerning my view of classroom management. 1. How teacher should act: * Enthusiastic- A teacher should show enthusiasm when she is teaching the lessons. The teacher needs to show that she is excited about teaching the lessons so that the students will stay interested in listening and understanding the subject area content. * Respectful- The teacher should treat students with respect and also demand respect. She should never use fowl language, inappropriate behavior, share too much personal information or act in ways that are not ethical. * Role Model- A teacher should act as a role model to her students. The teacher should not do anything that would jeopardize her career as a teacher that would make her students look down upon her. She also must live a life that students look up to so they will remember that teacher forever. * Patiently- A teacher must exhibit patience in class. Every student learns at different paces and at different levels. A teacher must be willing to be patient if the students are not grasping the information. She should explain the information to the students until they finally understand the lesson 2. How students are expected to behave: * Respectful- Students are to be respectful towards the teacher and to each other. Students should show respect to the teacher by not talking when the teacher is instructing the class. The students should show respect to each other by not hitting each other, making fun of another, or taking one’s personal belongings. * On Task-Students should stay on task in class. Students should be focused on the teacher’s lessons and instructions. They should not be wandering off getting off task. If the students are off task, they will not understand the lessons or remember what happened in class. Also the teacher will have to go back and teach the lesson again which can cause the teacher to be off target teaching the curriculum and it will result in student’s receiving poor test scores. * Appropriately Well Behaved- Students should be well behaved in class. It is important for students to understand the importance of good behavior. If students are well behaved in the classroom, the teacher can spend more time instructing the students than time spent on behavioral issues. In a well behaved classroom, students are able to learn effectively. * Academically Prepared- Students are to come to school academically prepared. The students should complete their homework assignment each day in order to make sure they understand the subjects that are being taught. They should always come prepared to listen to the subject matter, offer their opinions, and ask god questions in class. 3. What the classroom might look and feel like: * Engaging- The classroom should look and feel engaging to the student. In the classroom, the teacher can arrange the classroom that promotes student interaction and group collaboration. Students should be seated in a circle or horseshoe shape that maximizes the amount of eye contact students can have with each other. * Clean and Organized Classroom- A teacher’s classroom should be clean and organized. The school supplies should be neatly organized and in a safe place where students can safely access the supplies. * Filled with student’s work- The classroom should be filled with student’s work on projects. The students will feel comfortable and engaged if what they are learning in class will be showcased in the classroom. The student can look around the room and be reminded to always do their best on their assignments. This also sends a message to students that their work and learning is important. * Student Centered – The classroom should be focused on the students. In the student centered classroom, you will find workstations that promote group activities such as puzzles or brainteasers that promote student collaboration. 4. How the teacher helps students conduct themselves properly: * Demonstrating the Rules- The teacher should teach, review, and practice rules form beginning of school till the end of school. The teacher should also let students demonstrate good behaviors and bad behaviors so that students will understand how to follow the rules and to have good behavior in class. * Reinforce positive behavior with Incentives- A teacher can help students conduct themselves properly by providing incentives through positive behavior. A student who exhibits positive behavior weekly will pick a price out of the treasure chest. This will result in students with bad behavior to act better if they see students winning cool prizes. * Student and Parent Contracts- To ensure students are behaving properly, student and parent contracts are sent home for parents and students to sign. This contract outlines what is expected from the student’s behavior, academics, and the parent’s commitment in the child’s education. This will be very helpful in helping the students have good behavior in class. * Character Education Mini Lessons tied to Curriculum- Teachers can tie in the classroom rules and good behavioral skills as mini-lessons. Before teaching the lessons, the teacher can discuss how to treat others, how to walk quietly in the halls, and do not talk while others are talking. By having these mini lessons on how students should behave will remind them of how to have good behavior in class. 5. What the teacher should do about misbehavior: * Cues- Teachers uses a cue or a simple verbal reprimand to redirect a student’s focus which eliminates the inappropriate behavior. A teacher can also praise the efforts of students with good behavior which can reduce the misbehavior among the other students. * Consequences such as loss of recess- If a student keeps misbehaving, the teacher can use the consequence of loss recess. The majority of students like to go to recess. If the student knows their punishment by loss of recess due to their misbehavior, their behavior will improve. * Private conference with student- If the student still misbehaves, the teacher will need to talk with the student. The teacher will inform the student that his or her misbehavior will not be tolerated in class and his or her parents will be contacted if the misbehavior continues. * Contact parent- A teacher should contact the parents if the student keeps misbehaving in class. If the teacher lets the parents know how their child behaves in class, then the parents can also talk to the child and discipline them at home. 6. How students should be taught and what is expected of them: * Post rules in the classroom- Teachers can post rules in the classroom so that students can be reminded each day of how to properly behave in class. Also the teacher can give quizzes to students about the poster rules throughout the year. * Clear articulation and communication in the syllabus- Teachers should communicate clearly about what is expected of student’s assignments and their behavior in class. For example, informing students to always do their best on their work or their handwriting must be neat on all of their assignments should be clearly communicated. Creating a syllabus will also inform students of when their assignments are due.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Architecture And The Everyday Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Architecture And The Everyday - Essay Example Thus, although politics dictated a small budgetary allowance for the construction of a large building and current design practices place a great deal of emphasis on the engineering rather than the aesthetics of a particular work, the architects of the Jubilee Library in Brighton were able to mesh all of these concepts with a design that served the common man and his need for aesthetic beauty, proving Upton’s point that the everyday architecture should not be and perhaps cannot be separated from the concepts of aesthetic Architecture as a serious venture. The library can be seen to strongly grasp the importance of showing the structure in engineering and materials used as it proudly displays its support columns, glass and tile curtain walls and concrete slab supports. It meets with the budgetary constraints of the political powers that be in its use of inexpensive and locally acquired materials even as it focuses attention on the need to create ‘Green Architecture' that r educes the building's impact on the environment through a variety of means that also function to reduce the cost of daily operation. Yet, even as it accomplishes all of these feats, it remains an aesthetically beautiful building that inspires the creativity and the imaginative use of the structure by the local population, encouraging thought and reflection by its simple existence and meeting the requirements of the more aesthetically minded Architects in their need for adhering to theory, philosophy and the principles of design.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Managinga Data & Information Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Managinga Data & Information - Coursework Example The time spent at the systems and computers frequently used for completing work were examined. The study reported a greater access to computers by nurse managers, an indication that nurses managed most of the patient related information in accomplishing their work. Systems such as EHR (Electronic Health Record) becomes handy every time the nurse admit and attend to a patient. 2. An information management problem that can be solved with a database is updating of the system. Some institutions such as hospitals and clinics in the current technological era still have the file system of keeping records or the database management system. However, most hospitals, institutions, and businesses have already computerized their data and thus posses’ databases containing critical information necessary for the running of the institution. The management of information is very vital for every institution and business. On the contrary, when a system is being installed, the influence or impact of growth of the institution or business necessitating the growth of the amount of information handled is supposed to be anticipated and thus factored in as part of the long term plan. When institutions wait for a very long time to update the system or database, a loss of fundamental information may be incurred as the old system struggles to cope with the changes. The need to update a database arises from the fact that the ability to retrieve and update data forms a fundamental component of a database management system essential to the management of the database. Updating of data in a database comprises of the addition of new records (as a result of growth), deleting of the existing records and the alteration or changing of information within the records to allow easy access and retrieval of information. When databases are not updated, most patients will have problems with the privacy of the data in respect to their medical history, reduced efficiency in patient safety management, a nd inability of nurses to access appropriate and correct information regarding patients’ medical history (Haux, Winter, Ammenwerth, and Brigl, 2004). A situation for which data would be captured over an extended period of time comprise of patient discharges from the hospital. The three questions of the database that would be asked include how many patients are discharged everyday, which patients have the highest number of discharges from the hospital, and does the discharges indicate a link between patient/nurse relationships. 3. One of the databases that are used in the work setting is the EMR database. A clinic that aims at keeping its operations under budget perceives the implementation of the EMR technology in the work setting as a priority. EMR database is an increasingly common alternative to the traditional patient records that permits medical facilities to update and access vital records within a few keystrokes from several multiple locations. A number of large hospit als and medical practices in the present era have already implemented the switch to the new EMR record keeping form. The

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Event Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Event Management - Assignment Example The purpose of fundraising is usually organized by an individual or a social organization for non-profit purposes. However, fundraising is also used to obtain funds from potential entities that are capable of investing money in the interests of an organization typically for financing some strategic operation in which case, the practice of fundraising indicates towards a for-profit motive. There are a number of ways in which fundraising is usually organized. The first and the foremost among them is by way of an annual endowment that is usually received from either a governmental agency or a financial institution. Such an endowment is usually given on a periodic basis whenever the beneficiary has invested money on a prior basis so as to entitle it to receive such a periodic financial return. This form of fundraising is usually adopted by non-profit organizations in order to ensure a periodic flow of income that helps the organizations to perform its yearly activities (L. Peter Edles, 2006). There is also another form of fundraising, which is different fr... For example, a non-profit entity may sell devotional books in order to generate the necessary funds. It is also not uncommon to see banners in stores which say that a part of the proceeds would go towards the benefit of war veterans. This not only helps boost sales, but ensures that the intended target audience benefits in the end. There is also another form of fundraising wherein the organization that is to receive funds, does not receive it in the form of monetary funds, but rather some gifts are donated to it, in which case it is known as an 'In-kind gift'. The practice of fundraising is nowadays being vigorously being carried out over the internet too. Thus, it can be seen that the fundraising is carried out for a number of purposes by a number of entities for both profit and non-profit purposes (Adrian Sargeant and Elaine Jay, 2004). SPONSORS The concept of sponsorship is another important aspect of event management, wherein it is concerned with receiving financial and other forms of support from an individual or an organization in order to organize an event. Apart from supporting events, sponsorship is also utilized for supporting individuals as well as organizations that are in need of funds and are themselves unable to generate it on their own. Under sponsorship, the individual or organizations that arranges for providing the required assistance is referred to as a 'Sponsor'. Therefore, a sponsor would either have the necessary financial backing or the requisite capability to provide support such as personnel, infrastructure etc. or a combination of both. Unlike a fundraiser, a sponsorship is an activity that is intended to benefit both the Sponsor as well as the entity that receives the funds from the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Insider Trading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Insider Trading - Essay Example A corporate officer, for instance, who uses information known to him, but not to the public, to purchase or buy securities is generally guilty of insider trading. Exceptions may be allowed for certain transactions which are immaterial or which are reported the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. It must also be noted, however, that the concept of insider trading extends beyond corporate officers and insiders in the technical sense. It also includes people who provide tips to outsiders. This secondary portion of the definition ensures that the primary subjects of the law, corporate officers and fiduciaries, cannot escape punishment by secretly providing information to outsiders and non-fiduciaries (Insider Trading, 2006). The causes of insider trading are quite easy to understand. To illustrate, a corporate officer knows when the value of the corporation is going to increase or decrease. Perhaps there are secret negotiations for a takeover in which share prices are going to increase. He can sell his securities in order to maximize his profits or minimize his losses.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case analysis for business negotiation Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis for business negotiation - Case Study Example Moreover, this was likely due to the high labor costs in France as well as the increasing inputs of the production process. With this baseline of understanding established, the CEO then went on to elaborate upon how labor costs and inputs within Slovakia are measurably cheaper than in France (approximately 30% on the whole). In such a way, such an approach would definitively save money in the long run. Finally, anecdotal evidence is given with regards to the fact that other large firm such as Peugeot and Sony had recently relocated their operations from France to Slovakia and had experience and measurable increase in overall growth and profitability as a result. 2. How did this CEO communicate to the media the closing of the plant and its relocation to Slovakia from becoming a national issue? One of the first reasons that any level of media hype is generated is with regards to the level and extent to which leaks of the information reveal a sensational story that the media cannot resi st. In such a way, the strategy of closure within this particular case was handled with the utmost care. This was facilitated I insisting that all individuals who were cognizant of these changes sign a nondisclosure agreement and remain very tightlipped within the firm as well as without with regards to the facts that closure was soon it likely to take place. In this way, once the information was released, the firm had fully anticipated the response and was able to manage the story in a way that did not create a sensation or make stakeholders feel as if they had been kept in the dark with regards to such a decision. 3: What were the negotiating strategies used to reach the agreement? With regards to the negotiating strategies used to reach the agreement of plant closure, these were necessarily concentric around cooperation, analysis of the situation from multifaceted viewpoint, and general secrecy. Although the first to have been briefly enumerated upon, the general secrecy might ne cessarily be viewed as a negative aspect. However, the negative externalities of not keeping a closely guarded secret with regards to the means by which the plant would close might necessarily harm each and every stakeholder within the entire process. By making the information known prior to a formal strategy being elaborated upon, the situation would necessarily unfold in and out of hand manner without the CEO or top management being able to be directed in any way shape or form. From the firm’s perspective, such an eventuality would mean in much higher cost with regards to the payments that they would be due to the labor unions. 4: What are the pitfalls to be avoided when negotiating with the labor union representatives? By engaging early with the labor unions, the firm was able to experience a â‚ ¬1 million savings by reducing costs that would otherwise have been associated with payoffs to the union that were required. This was able to be effected simply by assuring them that all employees 55 years or older would be a able to draw an early pension from the plant shuttering. In this way a cooperation strategy was employed. Furthermore a bond of trust between the firm and the union representatives was established prior to the shuttering of plant. This was leveraged when the bad news was delivered to the union as a means of creating a situation in which the union

Monday, September 23, 2019

Procedure course work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Procedure course work - Essay Example Subsequently, the court executing an appeal will be able to correct errors, which are made in judicial decisions in trial or those made in magistrates’ courts1. However, the upper court has no authority to amend the decisions reached by the magistrates. The upper court can sent back the case to the lower or magistrates’ courts for reconsideration. At the same time, according to the provisions, the upper court has to give reasons for the decisions made in order to eliminate any possible ground for judicial review2. In accordance with the scenario, the Ministry of Justice should review the process in relation to the right to appeals, which are made in the upper court against a sentence and/or conviction. Accordingly, the proposal made by the Ministry of Justice emphasises on removing the right to appeal to High Court by way of case stated or judicial review. Moreover, the proposal advocates that the right to appeal to Crown Court should be amended accordingly so that the judicial process of a re-hearing can be developed as time-efficient. Appeal from the Magistrates' Court to Crown Court As per rules as well as regulations of the judicial systems of the UK, appeals can be made to the Crown Court on certain grounds and provisions. These provisions are recognised to be governed under the ‘Part 63 Criminal Procedure Rules 2010’ (â€Å"the Rules†). The Crown Court is statutorily obliged to deal with cases, which are appealed from magistrates’ courts on certain specific conditions as mentioned below. Conviction and/or sentences, which are made in magistrates courts (section108 Magistrates Courts Act 1980) Orders linking hospital or guardianship (section 45(1) Mental Health Act 1983) Failure of an individual to conform with supervision order (paragraph 11, schedule 3 Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000) Failure in making orders associated with football banning orders (section14A(5A) Football Spectators Act 1989) Sour ce: 3 The Crown Court is also provided with the provision of modifying any sentences as well as any other orders made within a time frame of 56 days from the day on which the decision was made. In certain incidents in case of dismissing an appeal, the Crown Court is required to provide reasons and factors, which are accountable for such an occurrence. It is in this context that the provisions oblige the Crown Court to justify reasons responsible for the rendered decisions. In the case of [R v Harrow Crown Court ex p. Dave [1994] 1 All ER 315, [1994] ! WLR 98] and [R -v- Knightsbridge Crown Court ex p International Sporting Club [1981] 3 All ER 417, [1982] QB 304] it has been identified that it is one of the mandatory duties of the judges to provide appropriate reasons for the decisions as well as the dismissal of appeal of any appellant4. In this context, refusing to provide reasons and information relating to decisions as well as denial of appeal will act as a violation of Article 6 ‘European Court of Human Rights’ (ECHR), which may lead to judicial review of the case5. Stating precisely, the right to appeal is offered to parties who make appeal against certain convictions and/or sentences. According to ‘Part 63 Criminal Procedure Rules’, the application must be made within the 21 days of actual hearing conducted by the magistrates’

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Method of Inquiry Essay Example for Free

Method of Inquiry Essay The method of inquiry is based on gathering observable, factual and measureable evidence. Basically, methods of inquiry are ways that an investigator gathers the information for the case that they are investigating. Methods of inquiry are used in criminal investigation by collecting evidence, statement collection, and going through electronic databases and even the internet. The methods of inquiry are all used in conjunction to reconstruct the crime scene. The methods are also used by utilizing the five W’s, who, what, when, where, and why, and also how. There are three methods of inquiry that are used in an investigation and those are authority method, tenacity method, and intuition. An example of a method of inquiry is when an investigator is collecting the statements from either the victims or witnesses. The investigator will take all the information and evidence that is collected, compile it all together and come up with the reconstruction of the crime that was committed. The optimal mindset of an investigator is one that is able to look for the motive of the crime that is at hand and able to investigate all the possibilities of even the most obvious evidence that has been gathered. In my own opinion, I think that an optimal mindset is where the investigator can process all the evidence at hand, in their mind and come up with a conclusion of what occurred. Also I believe that the mindset is one that can be taught through training and experience. The scientific method is a systematic approach of observation, hypothesis formation, hypothesis testing and hypothesis evaluation that forms the basis for modern science. There are anywhere from five to eight steps in the scientific method. However, all versions of the scientific method involve the person trying to solve the problem experimenting to find an answer. A prudent criminal investigator will apply the scientific method within the course of his or her investigation to ensure that an investigation is done neutrally and without basis.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Zara and H&M Essay Example for Free

Zara and HM Essay Zara History of Zara Marked as the first prestigious venture of the Inditex group the first store of Zara, the chain of Spanish fashion stores came into reality on central A Coruna Street in 1975. In 1985, Amancio Ortega integrated Zara in a new holding company, Industria de Diseno Textil, INDITEX S.A. The Zara fashion concept was well received by the public later in 1976, allowing it to expand its network of stores to the other main Spanish cities. During 1981-1988 with the growing popularity Zara started new ventures by multiplying in number not just in Spain but around the world. In 2003 enjoying being the eye candy among the fashion followers Zara entered the home furnishing market by opening the first Zara home store. Everything else is a history; today Zara is present in 73 countries, with a network of more than 1,540 stores, ideally located in major cities. Its international presence clearly shows that national frontiers are no impediment to sharing a single fashion culture. Product Design Zara’s unique approach to product development is instrumental to their success. Zara gives store managers significant autonomy in both determining the products to display in their stores and which to place on sale, and relaying market research and store trends back to their headquarters in La Coruà ±a. At headquarters there are teams of commercials who take this information into account to design and effectively plan and produce all of  Zara’s products. Zara maintains a design team of 200 people, all of which produce approximately 12,000 new styles per year for Zara. The process of obtaining market information and relaying it to design and production teams expedites product development by shortening the throughput time of a product to 3-4 weeks from design to distribution. This process is very different from its competitors. Many competitors rely on a small elite design team that plans both design and production needs well in advance. Stores have little autonomy in deciding which products to display or put on sale because Headquarters plans accordingly and ships quantities as forecasted. Zara’s speed to market in product development exceeds the capabilities of its competitors. This in itself provides additional value to stakeholders, customers, and stores in producing quality clothing at affordable prices .Zara’s product development capabilities are essential to Zara’s business strategy and future success. Advertising and Marketing Zara’s unique approach to advertising and marketing is an additional factor within their business model that adds to their success. Zara spends 0.3% of total revenues on advertising and marketing. This is significantly less than their competitors who on average spend 3-4% of their total revenues on similar expenditures. Hence, Zara maintains a cost advantage to their competitors in marketing activities. In order to effectively complete with their peers Zara uses location, store layout, and product life cycles to act as their marketing tool to consumers. For instance, Zara strategically locates all of their stores in prime retail districts for visibility marketing. Additionally, because of the product development cycles mentioned earlier, customers are trained to visit Zara stores often because new items are presented weekly and are often not restocked. This feeling of scarcity encourages customers to come to the stores and buy frequently. Lastly, in order to keep the stores looking fresh and trendy; Zara invests heavily in their store layouts. They have a testing facility nearby their headquarters in Spain where different types of store layouts are tested. Each Zara store is remodeled every 5 years in order to keep up with current trends. Zara does not invest heavily in direct marketing, though their efforts in  image/brand marketing do a great deal to attract a loyal customer base. Their cost advantage and ability to maintain brand recognition and customer loyalty are essential elements of Zara’s capabilities that build value in the company. The success path Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning * Positioned as a fast fashion brand globally, Zara, targets the mid-market. * Zaras core TG in the country consists of people familiar with the brand much before it entered the country. They are well travelled and aware about global fashion trends * High import duties ensure that the pricing of Zara remains premium * Does not invest in advertising, and largely relies on PR * It has clearly chosen the locations high-end malls where its core target group, that is, the upper middle class is surely present Zaras Strategy for Growth and Positioning Zara believes in Zero advertising. It would rather spend on store expansion than to advertise. However, the minimally advertise in fashion magazines. The rationale behind this is the quick turnaround of store display, which is around 4 weeks, which renders advertising an unnecessary cost. Also, Zara concentrates on efficient design to market cycle and focus on showcasing large number of designs annually. The workforce in Zara is essential to its success right from the production to the store level as the feedback generated about fashion performance at store is percolated to the designer and production and supply chain helps to put the latest styles in 2 weeks’ time. We need to take a look at the factors that determine these strategies and also the shortcomings associated with these strategies * Growing online sales Online retailing has been growing at a scorching pace in the last decade and considering UK market, more than  £14 billion has been spent on online shopping. Zara should try to open online retail shops to cater to the audience who need to shop for standardized version of Zaras products. This also presents an opportunity to display the entire product lines from Zara and can be easily searched. It will enable strong growth in online and well as, offline retail sales. Cultural adaptation Zara did not follow any localization in the countries where it was present and provided only standardized products. Also it believed in providing the latest fashion at the low costs. Thus from the Global Strategy Grid it can be seen that Zara Followed a Global Standardization Strategy. By doing so it hoped to increase its profitability by reducing costs and achieving economies of scale. Entry Mode * Wholly Owned Subsidiaries: Zara entered UK markets by opening up wholly owned subsidiaries, to take advantage of the controls that it could exercise in those countries. When it comes to other markets, company also prefers to expand through franchising, joint ventures. Distribution * All production, regardless of its origin, is received at the logistical centers for the brand, from where it is distributed simultaneously to all the stores worldwide on a highly frequent and constant basis. * In the case of Zara, distribution takes place twice a week and each delivery always includes new models, so that the stores are constantly refreshing their offer. * The logistics system, based on software designed by the company’s own teams, means that the time between receiving an order at the distribution center to the delivery of the goods in the store is on average 24 hours for European stores and a maximum of 48 hours for American or Asian stores. Manufacturing * A significant proportion of production takes place in the Group’s own factories, which mainly manufacture the most fashionable garments. The Inditex Group takes direct control of fabric supply, marking and cutting and the final finishing of garments, while subcontracting the garment making stage to specialist firms located predominantly in the North-West of the Iberian Peninsula. * The Group’s external suppliers, a high percentage of which are European, generally receive the fabric and other elements necessary for making the clothing from Zara itself. Pricing strategy Zaras dual price policy Euros for pounds Spanish women wear chain Zara is charging the same amount in UK pounds as it is Euros in Spanish shops for some of its clothing, potentially netting the retailer huge extra profits at the expense of UK customers. H M History of H M The history of HM started with a man named Erling Persson, who was a Swedish former salesman that became fascinated with America’s high-volume efficient outfits that 8 Barneys and Macy’s carried. Persson first discovered the outfits when coming to the United States after World War II. Persson brought the retail concept – that high turnover produced lower prices – and brought it back with him to Sweden. It was then that Erling chose to open his own store which he called Hennes, standing for â€Å"hers† in Swedish. During this time the store only sold women’s clothing (International Directory of Company Histories, 1999). The company Hennes was established in 1947 in Vasteras, Sweden and by 1968 Persson had purchased the men’s sportswear inventory and property of a Stockholm hunting equipment store which was named Mauritz Widforss. Erling Persson then changed the name of his store Henne to Hennes Mauritz to express the expansion, and later downgraded to just the abbreviations HM. When Persson began to exporting his business overseas he began with Norway in 1964 and then joined Denmark in 1967. Persson bought the inventory, which was a left supply of men’s clothing which lead him to expand into men’s apparel. By 1970 Hennes Mauritz developed a children’s clothing line and by 1978 the store offered much of all family clothing. With Hennes Mauritz offering a wide range of family clothing, it helped the company expand with the new generation of youth wanting to be able to express their individualities. There are around 2,700 HM stores in more than 40 countries and 94,000 employees all work hard to bring you fashion and quality at the best price. Product design HM designers design fashionable and trendy apparel products that are of respectable quality. Their product line includes t-shirts, fashion shirts, cardigans, jeans, pants, undergarments, dresses, jackets, shoes, purses, jewelry, and other fashionable trendy accessories. HM is able to offer their consumers fine quality apparel at an economically friendly price. Hennes Maurtiz is able to provide superb quality products for a low price due to their reduction of a middle man who buys the material for the company and sells the material for a higher margin. HM buys their apparel fabrics in bulk straight from the suppliers Pricing strategy The price strategy of HM is designed based on their customers’ need which is low price and high fashion. The company purely focuses on following penetration price policy. Promotion To develop a promotion strategy, a company should firstly identify and understand target audience. (Jobber, 2007). HM’s target customers are young women who want more fashion cloth at low price. Young people have plenty access to information. A multi-channel promotion strategy including * advertising, * internet promotion * sales promotion Hennes Mauritzs’ promotional strategy includes mobile marketing through SMS text messaging, celebrities, charities, and popular music artists. In doing this mobile marketing strategy consumers receive SMS coupons, mobile banner ads placed on major portals and media sites. Cultural adaptation HM does not change anything from price of a product to commercials. They keep the same strategy as they have in their country. Everything remains the same as in the country it first started in. It reduces cost of inventory, as  well as an allowance to an increased product innovation since the company focuses more on developing their product instead or spending too much time trying to adapt to the market. Distribution HM distribution channel is direct distribution, from producer to customers. By cutting middle transaction, it reduces cost and assures quick delivery, which echoes the concept of fastness and economy. Jobber (2007) suggested that channel selection is affected by producer, product and competitive factors. HM choose to sell clothes and cosmetics in around 2,000 stores which belong to HM. Store selling, on one hand, assures basic access to customers and helps the command from headquarters go to outlets efficiently and correctly. Because the inventory for HM is refreshed every day (HM website, 2010), direct command is important for correct adjustment in more than two thousand stores. On the other hand, controlling so many stores gives rise to the managerial cost. Besides stores, HM starts to launch online sale in several areas. It was suggested that well-known fashion retailers have advantages of their brand to attract customers (Marciniak and Bruce, 2004). Therefore it is beneficial to take the initiative to launch online shop. And this step could satisfy online customers and complement the shortcomings of store sale. Manufacturing HM does not own any factories. Instead, clothes and other products are commissioned from around 700 independent suppliers, primarily in Asia and Europe. The HM buying department plans the range. After that, all practical aspects are dealt with by our production offices. These production offices, where most of the employees are drawn from the local population, are in constant contact with the suppliers. The production offices are responsible for placing the order with the right supplier and for items being produced at the right price, making sure that they are of good quality and delivered at the right time. They also audit that production takes place under good working conditions. The production offices perform extensive  safety and quality testing, including checks for shrinkage, twisting and colorfastness, as well as ensuring that the chemical requirements have been met.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Introduction To Managing Human Capital Management Essay

Introduction To Managing Human Capital Management Essay In highly competitive modern world, Managing Human Capital plays a pivotal role in organizational success than ever before. The every aspects of the human capital has changed drastically over time and now it is considered to be the most dominant and critical success factors in achieving in highly demanding and complex corporate objectives. Human Capital Management (HCM) can be defined and interpreted in many ways but in simplest form it can be defined as the strategic approach to people management in creating sustainable and competitive value to the organizations and people itself. As shown in the introductory slide, proper HCM strategy helps organizations to streamline and integrate with human resources with the business to deliver stakeholder expectations by addressing entire human resource cycle. First of all, proper HCM strategy helps organizations to identify, recruit and retain right individuals for the right positions by enabling significant advantage over the competitive edge. Also HCM focuses on effective employee engagement by establishing effective communication channels and increase workforce productivity by employee motivation and incorporating other strategies. Similarly, proper talent management, succession planning, leadership development and strategic alignment strategies more or less defines the organizational success and well defined and planed HCM strategy is the pathway to achieve it. Introduction to the Company KBSL Information Technologies Ltd (KBSL IT) is the leading Information/Systems Integrator of Information Communication Technology (ICT) solutions for Enterprises in Sri Lanka. KBSL has been in the industry for almost 25 years and it has the expertise in the areas of Server, Storage, Voice, Data Networks and Security Infrastructure Integration in providing a very sound and an optimal solution encompassing all relevant areas for customers, in meeting the current and growing requirements in keeping with industry trends. Currently, there are more than 75 highly talented individuals employed at KBSL and it is steered by a very flat management team which consists of CEO, CMO and Head of Business Units. The vision of the KBSL is to become the leading business system integrator in Sri Lanka by following the values of being fair and honest in every engagement with customers and the shareholders delivering the most innovative solutions. KBSL is best poised to achieve its organization mission through their simplified focus and in delivering customers information needs, through flexible and powerful solutions, that are central to their business success. The Key Issues and Challenges facing the General Management of Human Capital Globally and Locally They Key Issues and Challenges facing the General Management of Human Capital Globally In todays highly globalized, exceedingly competitive and dynamic business environments, managing human capital has become a global challenge for every manager in organizations. Referring to a survey done by PricewaterhouseCoopers addressing the key issues and challenges of human capital management of more than 200 companies from 35 countries, it is noted that change management, leadership development and organizational effectiveness are the top three issues faced by the companies. Additionally, employee recruitment, retention and succession planning are also considered to be important pain points of the managers in carrying out day to day business functions. Change management is highly important to address rapid changes imposed by the business environments such as mergers and acquisitions, dynamic changes in business strategy and focus, workforce mobility by managing the employees reluctance to change in a positive manner. Leadership development combined with the succession planning has also become a huge challenge for the management since it has a direct impact on on-going and future business operations and success. As per the survey managing the organizational effectiveness is equally important and organizations should review and restructure their entire organizational process and procedures to achieve success in local and international market segments. Similarly recruitment and availability of skilled employees and retention is equally important and has become a serious global challenge mainly due to aging workforce, inexperienced younger generation and competitiveness and agility of the labor workforce. They Key Issues and Challenges facing the General Management of Human Capital in KBSL Information Technologies Ltd To identify the key issues and challenges facing the general management of human capital, several one to one brief discussions were carried out with the Business Unit managers and finding are listed in the slide given below. As per the results, selection and recruitment of right candidates is the most challenging task and employee retention and development also goes side by side in management perspective. Nowadays, it has become almost impossible to find right talent for technical and non technical positions in service industry with right attitudes and qualifications mainly due to the facts that migration and overseas job opportunities and lack of interest and knowledge of the younger generation working in SI industry. So that company has to invest a lot on fresh graduates for their development by providing trainings and guidance without getting any productive outcome from them in return for a significant time period. Same as globally, coping up with the change has become one of the key challenges facing by the local management specially when handling employee behavior and perceptions in situations like drastic business strategy changes. Also addressing and filling up the gap between the employer and employee engagement happen to be impact negatively on overall business performance and this perceptual gap needs to be filled by establishing proper communication channels throughout the corporate hierarchy. Since we are still suffering and being victims of the global recession, local companies had to cut down budgets severely and due to that employees motivation and morality goes down ultimately affecting negatively on achieving business targets. Moving on with the discussion of global and local challenges faced by general management in handling human capital, now lets look at current HR management challenges of aligning employee and HR department agendas in KBSL. The current HR Management challenge of aligning The Employee Agenda with the The HR Department Agenda in KBSL The Employee Agenda in KBSL Information Technologies Ltd Every employee has their own expectations from their employers and organizational success heavily lies on identifying and satisfying those motivations, preferences and expectations of every individual in a win-win approach where both parties gets benefited. Small round table discussion was held with selective employees from each business units to identify their expectations from the company and listed are the findings of that session. First of all, every employee expects a positive working environment where they can carry out their assigned work productively and efficiently. They expect work-life balance since family life is equally important same as the working life and so that they expect it to be stress free, supportive and politics free culture. Also employees expect personal and professional growth equally as the attractive compensations and benefits because they want to climb up in the career ladder to reach higher commanding positions than being in the same position for a lifetime. Performance based rewarding approach and industry benchmarked salary levels are also expected and more importantly appraisals and evaluations to be done in transparently and fairly manner across the organization reward right individuals for their talent and performance. Apart from the benefits, employees expect to be given platform and opportunity to use their innovative ideas in to work where they can make a difference and get proper recognition in return. If employees feel that their work makes a difference and part of something unique and special they will get motivated and perform at their best to deliver more than expected benefiting the organizations at the end of the day. The HR Department Agenda in KBSL Information Technologies Ltd Similar to the employee expectations, there is always organizational and HR department agenda for each employee expecting to deliver certain results in return throughout the entire employee life cycle. Foremost of all, HR department wants to hire the best talent available in the industry and expecting them to perform at their fullest potential as a team to deliver organizational objectives. At the same time they expect everybody to act upon honestly and diligently with utmost commitment to the organization ad hearing to the corporate ethics and principals. More importantly, employees should represent their organization in a positive manner to outside world and every work related decisions they take should be made in the best interest to the customer. Also HR expects employees to develop their selves by updating with the latest technologies and practices and obtaining professional certifications to reflect the competency. Furthermore they expect employees to follow the directions set by the management, positively accept and learn from constructive criticisms and being dependable. Perceptual Gap Carefully evaluating and analyzing both employee and HR agenda, following key points were identified as the perceptual gap and incremental corrective solutions are proposed in the coming slide. As per the modern practices HR function should be strategically reengineered to closely align with the dynamic business environments and effective human capital management practices should followed. But refereeing to the KBSL entity, strategic focus of HR is minimal and more traditional administrative HR operations are followed. Since KBSL has a flat management hierarchy and consist of managers with traditional perceptual mindset still believes that employees as a liability and replaceable at anytime rather than treating them as organizations most valued assets. Also management expects employees to deliver more than they are capable without giving them proper training and compensations and some of the employees also expect limitless benefits from the company without delivering their assigned jobs. Both employees and HR department comes to false conclusions by judging on misinterpreted information mainly due to the distant engagement and lack of proper communication channels eventually affecting the organizational success. Finally there is no specific standard methodology to manage activities associated to employee life cycle causing unnecessary troubles to the business by following instantaneous ad hoc decisions. Proposals for Incremental Resolutions Based on the local and global trends and best practices and applying the human capital management theory, following resolutions are proposed to fill up the perceptual gap addressed above. Since employees are considered to be the most valuable asset to any organization, organizations should develop and maintain a win-win situation for both parties by addressing each others concerns genuinely. Also HR function should evolve to a more strategic and responsible role by closely aligning with business objective and proper communication channels needs to be established to minimize the misunderstandings between the employee and employers expectations. Also to address the major problem of employee turnover, KBSL management should provide competitive compensation and remuneration packages to the employees analyzing competitor benchmarks and focus on employee career development prospects positively to create a long lasting relationship with them. Also it is highly advised to incorporate modern HR practices given in the slide so that KBSL as a whole can benefit from positive outcomes. Talent Management Definition Talent Management has many definitions and as given in the slide it can be simply define as the systematic methodology in managing talent within an organization in achieving strategic business goals. Talent Management itself has important key components such as workforce planning, selection, recruitment, orientation, performance management, training and development, succession planning, compensation and benefits which can be directly impacted on organizational success. As per the formula shown in the power point slide talent should be a collective combination of competence, commitment and contribution so that in addition to the talent development, organizations should motivate and reward employees to gain their commitment and contribution to achieve organizational goals. The importance of the talent management is simply explained by the quotation of Organize as if the companys survival depends on talent management. It does by Boston consulting group and further discussed in the coming slide. Importance of Talent Management Talent management has become a crucial factor to organizational success due to many reasons and some of them are mentioned in this slide. In todays highly dynamic, highly competitive and highly demanding business environments, success is mostly depending on the talent of the workforce available within the industry. So that organizations should establish competency based recruitment procedures to attract the best among the industry and should retain and develop their best performers and highly skilled people to stay ahead in success race in the industry. Talent management plays a vital role in creating a high performing workforce and a winning corporate culture by implanting high motives in employees mindset and helps organizations to minimize the risk of losing key talent by initiating proper development programs giving employees plenty of opportunities to grow within the company. At the same time identifying successors for critical positions and develop internal employee capabilities to cater emerging organizational needs helps to address the resource scarcity in the industry. It also helps to identify competency gaps, talent requirements more quickly and make necessary arrangements to overcome those gaps for the betterment of the organizational performance. Finally it helps to manage challenging employee expectations effectively creating win-win situation for both parties otherwise which can be affected very severely. Key Issues and Challenges in Talent Management in KBSL Recommendations for Progressive Improvement and Resolution Source of Evidences References Al Ries, J.T., 1987. Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind. 1st ed. Warner Books. Al Ries, J.T., 1994. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk! HarperBusiness. Blythe, J., 2006. A very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Studying Marketing. 1st ed. Sage Publications. Charles D.Schewe, A.H., 1998. The Portable MBA in Marketing. 2nd ed. Wiley. Cowan, L., 2010. New Product Innovations and Launching Strategies. Business Issues, (February). Dean, J., 1976. Pricing Policies for New Products. Harward Business Review, December. Debelak, D., 1997. Entrepreneur Magazine: Bringing Your Product to Market. 1st ed. Wiley. Department of Census and Statistics Sri Lanka, 2011. Population Characteristics Population by District, Five year age groups and Sex. [Online] Available at: Duane E. Knapp, C.W.H., 1999. The Brand Mindset : How Companies Like Starbucks, Whirlpool, and Hallmark Became Genuine Brands and Other Secrets of Branding Success. 1st ed. McGraw-Hill. Fred Crawford, R.M., 2003. The Myth of Excellence: Why Great Companies Never Try to Be the Best at Everything. Crown Business. Google, 2012. Google Glass. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 July 2012]. Greg W. Marshal, M.W.J., 2010. Essentials of Marketing Management. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Isoble Doole, R.L., 2006. The Official CIM Course Book Strategic Marketing Decisions. 1st ed. Elsevier. Kotler, P., 2003. Marketing Insights from A to Z ( 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know). John Wiley Sons, Inc. Kotler,P., Armstrong,G., 2011. Principles of Marketing. 14th ed. Prentice Hall. Kotler,P., Keller K L., Koshy, A., Jha, M., 2009. Marketing Management. 13th ed. Prentice Hall. London School of Commerce., 2012. Marketing Management Course Manual.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Portrayal of Women in William Shakespeares Plays Essay -- Female Wome

William Shakespeare's characterization of women varies immensely from one comedy to another. In his works, Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice, and Much Ado About Nothing, he portrays both dominant and submissive women. Ultimately, Shakespeare examines the complexity of women by displaying the vast array of attitudes, emotions, and their treatment and reaction to men as well as refuting the typical subservient wife role. In Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, the difficulties of marriage and submission take center stage. When the determined Petruchio marries the domineering Katherine it sets the scene for a battle of willpower. Eventually, Petruchio successfully 'tames' Kate at the expense of losing a potentially loving and affectionate wife. In fact, Kate behaves more like a fearful puppy dog longing to please her husband than a respectable wife. Though Kate contrasts other female characters in Shakespeare?s comedies by submitting to her husband, her obedience is merely the product of an authoritative husband?s demands and threats. Her submission is merely a faà §ade of obedience. Before marriage, Kate is notorious for her ill temper and resistance towards men. A character named Grumio calls Kate, ? ?Katherine the curst,? a title for a maid, of all the worst? (Shakespeare 57). Men fear Kate because of her violent nature and unstable emotions. But after Kate is subjected to Petruc hio?s torments, she relents to him and gives in to his ways for the benefit of sustenance and sanity. In the end, Petruchio beckons Kate to teach the other wives to be subservient to their husbands. Kate explains, ?Such duty as the subject owes the prince, even such a woman oweth to her husband; and when she is forward... ...Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea, 1988. Newman, Karen. ?The Taming of the Shrew: A Modern Perspective.? The Taming of the Shrew. William Shakespeare. New York: Washington Square Press, 1992. Novy, Marianne L. ?Patriarchy and Play.? William Shakespeare?s The Taming of the Shrew. Harold Bloom ed. New York: Chelsea, 1988. Paster, Gail. ?Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Perspective.? Much Ado About Nothing. William Shakespeare. New York: Washington Square Press, 1992. Rossiter, A.P. ?Much Ado About Nothing.? Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea, 1986. 163-176. Shakespeare, William. Much Ado About Nothing. New York: Washington Square Press, 1995. ---. The Merchant of Venice. New York: Washington Square Press, 1992. ---. The Taming of the Shrew. New York: Washington Square Press, 1992.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Dignity of Law Essays -- Law College Admissions Essays

"The business of the law is to make sense of the confusion of what we call human life-to reduce it to order but at the same time to give it possibility, scope, even dignity." In 1972, the American poet Archibald MacLeish wrote these words in the Harvard Law Review. In 1997, I read these words. At that point, the challenge and lure of the law crystallized before me, and I now see the ideals of MacLeish's vision as my own. MacLeish envisions the law as providing a sense of possibility, or hope, and I identify with this. Coming from a financially disadvantaged childhood, I had to put forth serious effort in overcoming financial and personal adversity and focusing on the importance of family and education. Without a sense of the unlimited possibilities ahead of me, my goals would never have been taken seriously-by myself or by others-and I would not have followed them to completion. Through my sense of possibility, I took my place on the Honor Rolls for fall 1996 and 1997 at the University of Maryland at Baltimore. I also served as vice president for...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Inflation Rate

Assignment On India’s Trend of Economic Growth and Employment (Since the year 1980 to2010) Submitted to DR. TAPAS KUMAR PAL Presented By * ARNABI BOSE (Roll- 1) * DIPA DAS (Roll- 10) * PURNAMRITA MALLICK (Roll- 3) * SWATI AGARWAL (Roll- 25) * TISTA BISWAS (Roll- 26) (MHROM 1st semester, Calcutta University) CHART SHOWING DATA OF NOMINAL & REAL GDP, GROWTH RATE, INFLATION & DEFLATION RATE AND EMPLOYMENT (PUBLIC & PRIVATE SECTOR) IN INDIA SINCE 1980 TO 2010 Year| NominalGDP(Rs. )| NominalGDP Growth Rate(%)| RealGDP(Rs. | RealGDP Growth Rate(%)| Deflator| InflationRate(%)| Public Sector(million)| PrivateSector(million)| Total Employment(million)| EmploymentRate(%)| 1980-81| 1368. 38| 19. 51| 7985. 06| 7. 21| 17. 14| 11. 51| 15. 48| 7. 40| 22. 88| 2. 3| 1981-82| 1602. 13| 17. 08| 8434. 26| 5. 63| 18. 99| 10. 79| 16. 28| 7. 53| 23. 81| 4. 06| 1982-83| 1789. 85| 11. 72| 8680. 91| 2. 92| 20. 62| 8. 58| 16. 75| 7. 39| 24. 14| 1. 38| 1983-84| 2093. 56| 16. 97| 9362. 69| 7. 85| 22. 36| 8. 43| 17. 22| 7. 36| 24. 58| 1. 82| 1984-85| 2351. 13| 12. 30| 9733. 57| 3. 96| 24. 15| 8. 00| 17. 58| 7. 43| 25. 01| 1. 4| 1985-86| 2627. 17| 11. 74| 10138. 66| 4. 16| 25. 91| 7. 28| 17. 68| 7. 37| 25. 05| 1. 71| 1986-87| 2929. 24| 11. 48| 10576. 12| 4. 31| 27. 69| 6. 86| 18. 24| 7. 39| 25. 63| 2. 31| 1987-88| 3320. 68| 13. 36| 10949. 92| 3. 53| 30. 32| 9. 49| 18. 32| 7. 39| 25. 71| 0. 31| 1988-89| 3962. 95| 19. 34| 12062. 43| 10. 16| 32. 85| 8. 34| 18. 51| 7. 45| 25. 96| 0. 97| 1989-90| 4565. 40| 15. 20| 12802. 28| 6. 13| 35. 66| 8. 55| 18. 77| 7. 58| 26. 35| 1. 50| 1990-91| 5318. 13| 16. 49| 13478. 89| 5. 29| 39. 45| 10. 62| 19. 06| 7. 68| 26. 74| 1. 48| 1991-92| 6135. 28| 15. 37| 13671. 71| 1. 3| 44. 87| 13. 73| 19. 21| 7. 85| 27. 06| 1. 19| 1992-93| 7037. 23| 14. 70| 14405. 03| 5. 36| 48. 85| 8. 87| 19. 33| 7. 85| 27. 18| 0. 44| 1993-94| 8197. 61| 16. 49| 15223. 43| 5. 68| 53. 85| 10. 23| 19. 45| 7. 93| 27. 38| 0. 73| 1994-95| 9553. 85| 16. 54| 16196. 94| 6. 39| 58. 98| 9. 52| 19. 47| 8. 06| 27. 53| 0. 54| 1995-96| 11185. 86| 17. 08| 17377. 40| 7. 29| 64. 37| 9. 13| 19. 43| 8. 51| 27. 94| 1. 48| 1996-97| 13017. 88| 16. 38| 18763. 19| 7. 97| 69. 38| 7. 78| 19. 56| 8. 69| 28. 25| 1. 10| 1997-98| 14476. 13| 11. 20| 19570. 31| 4. 30| 73. 97| 6. 61| 19. 42| 8. 75| 28. 17| 0. 8| Year| NominalGDP(billion)| NominalGDP Growth Rate(%)| RealGDP(billion)| RealGDP Growth Rate(%)| Deflator(%)| InflationRate(%)| Public Sector(million)| PrivateSector(million)| Total Employment(million)| EmploymentRate(%)| 1998-99| 16687. 39| 15. 28| 20878. 27| 6. 68| 79. 93| 8. 05| 19. 41| 8. 70| 28. 11| 0. 21| 1999-00| 18472. 73| 10. 70| 22462. 76| 7. 59| 82. 24| 2. 89| 19. 31| 8. 65| 27. 96| 0. 53| 2000-01| 19919. 82| 7. 83| 23427. 74| 4. 30| 85. 03| 3. 39| 19. 14| 8. 65| 27. 79| 0. 60| 2001-02| 21677. 45| 8. 82| 24720. 52| 5. 52| 87. 69| 3. 12| 18. 77| 8. 43| 27. 20| 2. 12| 2002-03| 23382. 00| 7. 86| 25706. 0| 3. 99| 90. 95| 3. 71| 18. 58| 8. 44| 27. 02| 0. 66| 2003-04| 26222. 16| 12 . 15| 27778. 13| 8. 06| 94. 39| 3. 78| 18. 20| 8. 25| 26. 45| 2. 10| 2004-05| 29714. 64| 13. 32| 29714. 64| 6. 97| 100| 5. 94| 18. 01| 8. 45| 26. 46| 0. 03| 2005-06| 33905. 03| 14. 10| 32530. 73| 9. 48| 104. 32| 4. 32| 18. 19| 8. 77| 26. 96| 1. 88| 2006-07| 39532. 76| 16. 60| 35643. 63| 9. 57| 110. 91| 6. 31| 18. 00| 9. 24| 27. 24| 1. 03| 2007-08| 45820. 86| 15. 91| 38966. 36| 9. 32| 117. 59| 6. 02| 17. 67| 9. 88| 27. 55| 1. 13| 2008-09| 53035. 67| 15. 75| 41586. 76| 6. 72| 127. 53| 8. 45| 17. 80| 10. 38| 28. 18| 2. 28| 2009-10| 60914. 5| 14. 86| 45076. 37| 8. 39| 135. 13| 5. 96| 17. 86| 10. 85| 28. 71| 1. 88| * INTRODUCTION: * What is GDP? Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a country's standard of living GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports ? imports) * Nominal GDP is GDP evaluate d at current market prices. Therefore, nominal GDP will include all of the changes in market prices that have occurred during the current year due to inflation or deflation. In order to abstract from changes in the overall price level, another measure of GDP called real GDP is often used. Real GDP is GDP evaluated at the market prices of some base year. For example, if 1990 were chosen as the base year, then real GDP for 1995 is calculated by taking the quantities of all goods and services purchased in 1995 and multiplying them by their 1990 prices. * Inflation is defined as a rise in the overall price level, and deflation is defined as a fall in the overall price level. The inflation rate is one of the most important economic forces consistently weighing on the value of a nation's currency. Low Inflation Causes Growth: It is argued that low inflation can contribute to a higher rate of growth in the long term. This is because low inflation helps promote stability, confidence, and se curity and therefore encourages investment. This investment helps promote long term economic growth. If an economy has periods of high and volatile inflation rates, then rates of economic growth tend to be lower. * High Inflation and Low Growth: It is possible that an economy can experience low growth and high inflation this can occur if there is cost push inflation.Cost push inflation could be caused by rising oil prices. It increases costs for firms and reduces disposable income. Therefore, there is lower growth, whilst high inflation. * What is the relationship between inflation unemployment and Real GDP? During peak periods of the business cycle when the economy is experiencing rapid growth in real GDP, employment will increase as businesses seek workers to produce a higher output. If real GDP grows too quickly, however, it can cause price inflation as firms are forced to bid against one another or increasingly scarce workers. In contrast during trough periods of the business cy cle the economy is experiencing declines in real GDP, and employment rates are low. This is classic Neo-Keynesian economic theory. * Workings: 1. Calculation for Deflator: (Nominal GDP/Real GDP)*100 2. Calculation for Inflation Rate: {(Current Year’s GDP Deflator – Previous Year’s GDP Deflator) / Previous Year’s GDP Deflator}* 100 3. Calculation for Growth Rate: {(Current Year Growth Rate-Previous Year Growth Rate)/Previous Year Growth Rate}*100 4. Calculation for Employment Rate: (Current Year Employment Rate-Previous Year Employment Rate)/Previous Year Employment Rate}*100 # We have calculated nominal GDP and Real GDP at the Factor Cost. * The average inflation rate with a 5-years interval is calculated below: The average inflation rate of year 1980-85 is: (11. 51+10. 79+8. 58+8. 53+8)/5=9. 48 The average inflation rate of year 1985-90 is: (7. 28+6. 86+9. 49+8. 34+8. 55)/5=8. 10 The average inflation rate of year 1990-95 is: (10. 62+13. 73+8. 87+10. 23+ 9. 52)/5=10. 59 The average inflation rate of year 1995-2000 is: (9. 13+7. 78+6. 61+8. 05+2. 89)/5=6. 89 The average inflation rate of year 2000-05 is: 3. 39+3. 12+3. 71+3. 78+5. 94)/5=3. 98 The average inflation rate of year 2005-10 is: (4. 32+6. 31+6. 02+8. 45+5. 96)/5=6. 21 * The average Employment Rate with a 5-years interval is calculated below: The average employment rate of year 1980-85: (2. 3+4. 06+1. 38+1. 82+1. 74)/5=2. 26 The average employment rate of year 1985-90: (1. 71+2. 31+0. 31+0. 97+1. 50)/5=1. 36 The average employment rate of year 1990-95: (1. 48+1. 19+0. 44+0. 73+0. 54)/5=0. 87 The average employment rate of year 1995-2000: (1. 48+1. 10+0. 28+0. 21+0. 53)/5=0. 72 The average employment rate of year 2000-05: (0. 60+2. 12+0. 66+2. 10+0. 03)/5=1. 0 The average employment rate of year 2005-10: (1. 88+1. 03+1. 13+2. 28+1. 88)/5=1. 64 * The average Real GDP Growth rate with a 5-years interval is calculated below: The average real GDP growth rate of year 1980-85 is: ( 7. 21+5. 63+2. 92+7. 85+3. 96)/5=5. 51 The average real GDP growth rate of year 1985-90 is: (4. 16+4. 31+3. 53+10. 16+6. 13)/5=5. 65 The average real GDP growth rate of year 1990-95 is: (5. 29+1. 43+5. 36+5. 68+6. 39)/5=4. 83 The average real GDP growth rate of year 1995-2000 is: (7. 29+7. 97+4. 30+6. 68+7. 59)/5=6. 76 The average real GDP growth rate of year 2000-05 is: (4. 30+5. 52+3. 99+8. 06+6. 7)/5=5. 76 The average real GDP growth rate of year 2005-10 is: (9. 48+9. 57+9. 32+6. 72+8. 39)/5=8. 69 * Conclusion: As we can see the average real GDP growth rate from 1980-85 is 5. 51 and the average inflation rate of year 1980-85 is 9. 48 as well as the average real GDP growth rate of year 1985-90 is 5. 65 and the average inflation rate of year 1985-90 is 8. 10. So, it can be observed that, when the real GDP growth rates increased in the next consecutive years, the inflation rate has been decreased. Again, average real GDP growth rate of year 1990-95 is 4. 83 and average inflation rat e of year 1990-95 is 10. 9. Here with respect to the year 1985-90, the real GDP growth rate is decreasing and the inflation rate is increasing. Further, average real GDP growth rate of year 1995-2000 is 6. 76 and the average inflation rate of year 1995-2000 is 6. 89. Here again, with respect to the year 1990-95, the real GDP growth rate is increasing and the inflation rate is decreasing. Again, average real GDP growth rate of year 2000-05 is 5. 76 and average inflation rate of year 2000-05 is 3. 98. Here with respect to the year 1995-2000, the real GDP growth rate is decreasing and the inflation rate is also decreasing.And, average real GDP growth rate of year 2005-10 is 8. 69 and average inflation rate of year 2005-10 is 6. 21. Here with respect to the year 2000-05, the real GDP growth rate is increasing and the inflation rate is also increasing. THEREFORE, FROM THE ABOVE COMPARISONS, GOING WITH THE MAJORITY, WE CAN CONCLUDE THAT IN INDIA, SINCE THE YEAR 1980-2010, REAL GDP GROWTH RATE AND INFLATION RATE ARE INVERSELY RELATED, AS FOR 3 CASES WE CAN SEE WHEN REAL GDP GROWTH RATES HAVE INCREASED, INFLATION RATES HAVE DECREAS AND VICE VERSA †¦Now, as per our assignment, we have to compare India’s Trend of Economic Growth with Employment (Since the year 1980 to2010). As we can see the average real GDP growth rate from 1980-85 is 5. 51 and the average employment rate of year 1980-85 is 2. 26 as well as the average real GDP growth rate of year 1985-90 is 5. 65 and the average employment rate of year 1985-90 is 1. 36. So, it can be observed that, when the real GDP growth rates increased in the next consecutive years, the employment rate has decreased. Again, average real GDP growth rate of year 1990-95 is 4. 83 and average employment rate of year 1990-95 is 0. 7. Here with respect to the year 1985-90, the real GDP growth rate is decreasing and the employment rate is also decreasing. Further, average real GDP growth rate of year 1995-2000 is 6. 76 and the average employment rate of year 1995-2000 is 0. 72. Here again, with respect to the year 1990-95, the real GDP growth rate is increasing and the employment rate is decreasing. Again, average real GDP growth rate of year 2000-05 is 5. 76 and average employment rate of year 2000-05 is 1. 10. Here with respect to the year 1995-2000, the real GDP growth rate is decreasing and the employment rate is increasing.And, average real GDP growth rate of year 2005-10 is 8. 69 and average employment rate of year 2005-10 is 1. 64. Here with respect to the year 2000-05, the real GDP growth rate is increasing and the employment rate is also increasing. THEREFORE, FROM THE ABOVE COMPARISONS, GOING WITH THE MAJORITY, WE CAN CONCLUDE THAT IN INDIA, SINCE THE YEAR 1980-2010, REAL GDP GROWTH RATE AND EMPLOYMENT RATE ARE INVERSELY RELATED, AS FOR 3 CASES WE CAN SEE WHEN REAL GDP GROWTH RATES HAVE INCREASED, EMPLOYMENT RATES HAVE DECREAS AND VICE VERSA †¦

Monday, September 16, 2019

African American Literatury Essay

African-American literature can be defined as writings by people of African descent living in the United States of America. The African-American literary tradition began with the oral culture long before any of the materials in it were written on. Throughout their American history, African-Americans have used the oral culture as a natural part of black expressive culture. They are very powerful voices that give fuller meanings to words on a page. The America South is an important landscape in African-American literature. The South was a primary port of entry for slaving vessels. Most black slaves remained in the Southern states. The South was an important place for the African-American literature because the South was served as the site of hope and change for the black slaves but there were also horrors. The majority of African captives entered the New World from the Southern ports and remained in the Southern states. They relied heavily on the African cultural heritage and belief systems familiar to them. During their 300 years of slavery and servitude, black slaves and their descendants developed a complex relationship with the South. Amiri Baraka concluded that the South is a part of the scene of the crime, a land that is about the site of hope and the scene of the crime. For many African Americans, the South serves as the site of hope and change. The South has given birth to many African-American cultural practices, such as literature. This is the spiritual and ancestral home for African Americans and plays a dominant role in African-American literature. Before the American Civil War, African-American literature primarily focused on the issue of slavery, as indicated by the subgenre of slave narratives The most noted authors were all incited and inspired by the goings on in the south. Frederick Douglass was one of the most important African-American authors from the literary landscape in the South. He chronicled his life from bondage to freedom in his Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Written by Himself (1845), which helped the American public to know the truth about the institution of slavery and dismiss the myth that slaves were happy and treated well. He said, the South was not only a notorious site of slavery, it was also a landscape of racial terror and widespread violence. The biggest crime the South ever committed is the institution and perpetuation of slavery. But the Southern landscape is more than just the â€Å"scene of the crime† in African-American literature. It has multiple personalities that demand multiple treatments. Many 20th-century African-American writers, whether born and raised in the South or not, have used the southern landscape in their works to explore the complex relationships African-American communities have with the South. In her poem â€Å"Southern Song,† Margaret Walker (1915 – 1998) sings a praise song to the southern suns and southern land despite the â€Å"mobs† and â€Å"a nightmare full of oil and flame. † Southern Song I want my body bathed again by southern suns, my soul reclaimed again from southern land. I want to rest again in southern fields, in grass and hay and clover bloom; to lay my hand again upon the clay baked by a southern sun, to touch the rain-soaked earth and smell the smell of soil. I want my rest unbroken in the fields of southern earth; freedom to watch the corn wave silver in the sun and mark the splashing of a brook, a pond with ducks and frogs and count the clouds. I want no mobs to wrench me from my southern rest; no forms to take me in the night and burn my shack and make for me a nightmare full of oil and flame. I want my careless song to strike no minor key; no fiend to stand between my body’s soutnern song–the fusion of the South, my body’s song and me. Margaret Walker’s poem characterizes the complex literary representations of the South in a great deal of African-American literature, for the speaker at once basks in the beauty of her homeland (â€Å"I want my body bathed again by southern suns†). Yet at the same time experiences a homecoming complicated by the threat of Southern violence (â€Å"I want no mobs to wrench me from my southern rest†). The theme of the southern home and its layered history is a prevalent one throughout the tradition of African-American literature. In conclusion, 90 percent of African-Americans lived in the South, it is no wonder that this landscape has taken on a great deal of cultural and historical significance. Literature from the South is complex and often absurd, as the region emerges repeatedly as a site of home.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Beowulf- Christian or Pagan? Essay

Pointing out what makes up a Christian or pagan story will explain this most clearly. In a Christian story, it must have these elements: First of all, the story must have at least one of the characters believe in the one true God. Christ founded the Christians so the Christians must believe in what He says. Since, Christ taught the Trinity and that there is one true God, then it is a part of that religion – so a Christian story must have this belief. Secondly, a Christian story must have Christian virtues or values. Christ taught the New Law, which states to avoid violence and love your enemies, if necessary defend yourself. Jesus also taught the Beatitudes which states to be virtuous and generous – so a Christian story must also have those elements. On the contrary, a pagan story must have these elements: For instance, pagans believe in anything non-Christian. The definition of a pagan is a non-Christian – so whatever Christians do they do the opposite. If the story is mostly non-Christian then it is a pagan story. Also, pagans believe in myths. Since, Christians believe in one God and truth, then the pagans believe in many gods and myths. So, when the story has many gods and mythology and the characters believe it – it must be pagan. Look more:  beowulf essay Having explained the differences between a Christian and pagan story – it can go on to finding these elements in the epic. Beowulf has both aspects of pagan and Christian. A few of the many of these Christian elements are these: First, â€Å"holy God decided the victory. It was easy for the Lord, the Ruler of Heaven, to redress the balance once Beowulf got back up on his feet. † (lines 1553-1556). God helped Beowulf win this fight and he praises him for it. Beowulf believes in God so he knows that he could not have done it without Him. Second, â€Å"I was†¦ given full measure†¦ to choose from Hrothgar’s treasures†¦ King Hygelac, I am happy to present to you as gifts. † (lines 2145-2149). Beowulf was generous to give his rewarded gifts to his beloved uncle – so Beowulf had Christian values. He was not selfish and kept it all to himself, but gave to others like Christ gave. However, some of the pagan elements in Beowulf are these: Such as, â€Å"his glee was demonic, picturing the mayhem: before morning he would rip life from limb and devour them, feed on their flesh;† (lines 730-731) and â€Å"he dived into the heaving depths of the lake. It was the best part of the day before he could see the solid bottom. † (lines 1494-1496). The first reference was about Grendel, who was a mythical creature and he does not exist, which is pagan. The second reference was about Beowulf swimming and holding his breath for hours, which is impossible, so he has super human strength, so it is pagan. Including, â€Å"The Geat people built a pyre for Beowulf†¦ a wild litany of nightmare and lament: her nation invaded, enemies on the rampage, bodies in piles, slavery and abasement. Heaven swallowed the smoke. † (lines 3137 and 3152-3155). Christian stories never really end dark, saturnine, and foreboding. Also, his burial was a pagan one, so Beowulf does not know Christianity as well, to know that he asked for a pagan burial. Even though Beowulf can be both pagan or Christian, one must override the other. Beowulf is a Christian epic, Christianity overrides Paganism, for the storyline of Beowulf follows the storyline of Christ; making Beowulf as Christ. One example is when Beowulf was called, â€Å"protector of his people, pledged to uphold truth and justice and to respect tradition† (lines 1700-1701). Christ healed people individually from sin at first. Then same with Beowulf, he helps the town of the Danes, first. Additionally, Beowulf â€Å"was sad at heart, unsettled yet ready, sensing his death. † (line 2419-2420). Christ willingly fights Satan and dies to save his people. Anyhow, Beowulf also fights the dragon (devil) and readily dies to save his people (town). Moreover, â€Å"The lord of the Geats took eleven comrades,† (line 2401) and â€Å"the youth was to enter the line of battle with his lord. † (lines 2625-2626). Christ asks twelve to go with him to death, then one betrays, and the others fled; so the youngest (John) stays with him until death. A bit different in Beowulf, but it happens that he asks eleven to go help him fight the devil dragon, and they all fled except the youngest (Wiglaf), who stayed with him and fought with him until death. So it happens that, â€Å"The treasure had been won, bought and paid for by Beowulf’s death. † (lines 2847-2848). Christ dies to defeat Satan and win the spiritual lives of his people. Then, Beowulf also dies which kills the dragon and the â€Å"treasure† or his town’s lives were won and saved. Therefore, because the storyline of Beowulf is closely related to that of Christ’s storyline; it concludes that Beowulf is a fundamentally Christian story. The epic, Beowulf, is definitely a Christian epic, but it displays the transition from Paganism to Christianity; that is why there are some pagan aspects, for Beowulf and all his other relatives and fellow barbarians are still in the process of learning all the rules of the Christians. â€Å"Sometimes at pagan shrines they vowed offerings to idols†¦ the Lord God†¦ was unknown to them. † (lines 175-176 and 181-182); that stated that the barbarians were pagan, but converted. Therefore, Beowulf, has a few pagan aspects in it, but is primarily Christian.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Architecture in Context: Urban Design of Kuala Lumpur City

ARCHITECTURE IN CONTEXTChapter 1: Introduction 002.jpg" alt="424469" /> Figure 1a: Urban design of Kuala Lumpur metropolis Urban design shows both the functional and aesthetic facets of the City’s built environment. Urban design ( Figure 1a ) , developed harmonizing to policy model and guidelines, creates a desirable life environment every bit good as giving a metropolis an appropriate image and individuality. Like most metropoliss in the underdeveloped universe, Kuala Lumpur has grown quickly and changed a batch from 1960s until now. Kuala Lumpur becomes one of the strongest Asiatic metropoliss in universe economic system during 21Thursdaycentury. The alterations are non merely in footings of edifice building and besides the ‘growing’ of the city’s skyline. Figure 1b: Location of Kampung Baru Some of high-rise edifices appear bit by bit in the metropolis and turn vertically from the skyline of metropolis. However, in Kampung Baru country ( Figure 1b ) , it creates a most contrast phenomenon which is high rise edifices and old houses appear together in the aureate trigon of the metropolis. High-rise edifice prototype of modern, high engineering and comfortable edifice while old houses conjure images of old, conservative and disintegrating houses. High rise edifice has its commercial value and makes a part to the economic system of our state however old houses contain its historical value and stand for the beginning characteristics of metropolis development. There are some contradiction and struggle against to do think of pulverizing the old houses in the metropolis to do manner for more future development. The aim of composing this essay is to measure and analyze the skyline of KL country and the urban developed schemes from the past until presents. Besides that, to look into and understand the cultural contexts, societal and faith which influence a batch to the people who lives in that country are besides parts of the aims. Identify the demands, perceptual experiences and values of specific cultural communities make a clear apprehension of the architecture issue. Chapter 2: History BACKGROUND Chapter 2.1: History background of the alterations of KL city’s development Figure 2.1: Natural characteristic of KL in 1960Figure 2.2: The development of KL in 80s Kuala Lumpur was established in 1857 and the KL’s skyline has changed over the old ages. In around 1960, Kuala Lumpur was a simply light-green piece of land ( Figure 2.1 ) with a few of edifices. Towards 80’s ( Figure 2.2 ) , it was the period when the Malayan economic system truly raised up upon. The city’s skyline started to alter quickly until the terminal of 90’s. Harmonizing to the information, this period was Malayan economic system grew more than 8 % per twelvemonth for more than a decennary. Figure 2.3: Significant development of KL in 1991Figure 2.4: Skyline of KL in presents The 1990 was a important decennary to the state due to the economic system down bend in the twelvemonth 1997. Not merely did Malaysia manage to prolong unbelievable growing, the other state did besides travel into the Great Financial Crisis. This fiscal crisis caused most of Malaysia’s important developments ( Figure 2.3 ) were made. There are many building undertakings that are being built include the building of the KL Tower and the Petronas Towers. The development of Kuala Lumpur was easy being expanded from the get downing twelvemonth of 2000. In a short period, the skyline of Kuala Lumpur ( Figure 2.4 ) has grown a batch in order to provide the demand of population presents. This resulted in the outgrowth of big capacity of high rise edifices in the metropolis. Not merely it brings an economic system consequence to our state, and besides received a batch of investing from foreign state. It boosts up a batch of concern and employment chance around the metropolis. Chapter 2.2: History background of Kampung Baru country Figure 2.5: Kampung Baru country at the bosom of metropolis Even so, there is a portion of traditional houses country turns up meanwhile at the bosom of metropolis ( Figure2.5 ) . The being of traditional houses which called Kampung Baru creates a strong contrast between modern architecture edifices and traditional houses. Kampung Baru has been established since 1899 by the British authorities under the name of â€Å"Malay Agricultural Settlement† ( M.A.S ) as a particular country reserved specifically for the Malays in Kuala Lumpur. It has 35,000 populations and an country mensurating 153.35 kilometer2. Figure 2.6: Traditional Malay houses of Kampung Baru The Kampung Baru is characterized by comparative tranquility and neat layout of traditional Malay houses ( Figure 2.6 ) , has comparatively been retarded in its development with hapless roads and sanitation even though the remainder of metropolitan of Kuala Lumpur is basking a roar in economic growing and prosperity. Up to the 1930s, Kampung Baru was strictly a residential small town colony with houses built of wood and supported by pile, with a little gallery, large life room ( normally with no more than three sleeping rooms ) surrounded by garden harvests ( such as chili, banana, tapioca ) and widespread raising of domestic fowl. In this urban small town merely north of the metropolis centre the houses are largely one or two floors. Kampung Baru was ab initio a residential colony in Kuala Lumpur for Malay lower income group. [ 1 ] In the 1970s, there was a little group of Kampung Baru people who earned RM1000 per month and occupied higher place in the public and private sectors. The state of affairs has really much changed in the 1990s in which the socio-economic position of the dwellers of Kampung Baru had increased. There was rather a important figure of Malay in-between category, such as enterprisers, professionals and executives, who lived in the colony. This can be proven through the building of new luxury residential houses such as cottages and modern flat beside the old traditional Malay hosieries. Thus it can be said that Kampung Baru is a topographic point where tradition and modernness meet. Kampung Baru located in the Centre of metropolis and the belongings valued at around Rm2000 per square pess. This favorable geographical location attracts a batch of investors and developers intend to develop it and do a better planning. Nevertheless, the devastation of the traditional Malay houses has created contention. Chapter 2.3:Research method of survey The nature of this survey makes it suited for me to use site visit, observation, appraising and secondary analysis as my research methodological analysiss. Site visit in survey involves detecting, look intoing, comparing and analyzing. Besides that, research worker makes a questionnaire study signifier for public to acquire cognize about their sentiment of Kampung Baru. It is indispensable for research worker to understand deeply of about the chance development of Kampung Baru. In order to make so, historical informations have been assembled by library and internet research. This research to be done is to turn out my study composing in line with strong grounds. Chapter 3: Analysis Chapter 3.1: Percepts of occupant to the renovation of Kampung Baru Figure 3.1: Malay-Muslim civilization Despite being disputed, Kampung Baru is the last fastness against tower block development in the Kuala Lumpur metropolis. The occupants, born and bred in Kampung Baru from coevals to coevals, are chiefly consisted of Malay. Most of them have no purpose of go forthing Kampung Baru. The nucleus ground is for the inveterate love for the community specifically refering on the distinguishable Malay-Muslim civilization ( Figure 3.1 ) and its colorful history. For illustration, some of the senior still recalled their functions in WWII and cherished childhood memories that wanted to prize. They will convey these histories to their kids and grandchildren. Other than that, there is another state of affairs caused Kampung Baru can’t be developed. If the original Kampung Baru landholders have died, his land rubrics will be shared by tonss of relations. Therefore, it can be more than 100 people portion the rights to some secret plans of land sometimes. This status becomes a strong resistance to the sort of renovation the authorities has in head. The authorities and the developers have been legion meetings and treatment with local landholders about the development programs of Kampung Baru for more than twenty old ages, nevertheless, none of which has proved feasible. With no execution and development, the physical constructions of Kampung Baru are haphazard and degraded. The unplanned betterment caused resident bit by bit eliminated from their original small town and were replaced by transient and homesteaders. In malice of the recession of Kampung Baru, there are still have many people understood exhaustively its possible commercial value and concern market. In this aureate country with environing high rise edifice, it wholly shows an iconic individuality and image of capital metropolis of Malaysia. Suppose that Kampung Baru transformed into a modern and advanced country, it will heighten the consistent of betterment of Kuala Lumpur towards as a developed metropolis. The modern design, construction and stuff of high rise edifices give an impact of the ocular to stand for an image of the metropolis. Chapter 3.2: Advantages and disadvantages one time Kampung Baru to be redeveloped Residents of Kampung Baru have to consider of the advantages and disadvantages one time Kampung Baru to be redeveloped. One of the important effects of the alterations to Kampung Baru is maximize the value of land. In term of merely being dual floor houses, it can be developed vertically. For case, high rise commercial edifices, office, five star hotel or flat. Not merely cut down the land usage, and besides fulfil the demands of big population in the metropolis. Besides that, concern market besides have a batch of possible among this commercial country. The people who live in this country have a high degree of ingestion and quality of life. They would pass a batch for epicurean disbursals. In add-on, while working the bigger commercial market, it besides increases the employment chance every bit good. It helps to work out the job of extra unemployment which happened in our state. Ample employee can heighten the productiveness expeditiously. Furthermore, owing to this country is tourist attractive force, so that it brings economic system consequence to the metropolis. Figure 3.2: Alone character of traditional houses On the contrary, continuing Kampung Baru has its unmeasurable bing value. It is difficult to conceive of that an country with such a rich heritage and alone character ( Figure 3.2 ) if razed to the land. Many of the traditional houses of Kampung Baru are dated back to the early 1900s. The peculiar and original features can’t be replaced by any unreal engineering presents. If Kampung Baru is turned into a concrete jungle, it will lose all its attractive force as a Centre for Malay heritage. Furthermore, the cultural component in Kampung Baru has influenced, straight or indirectly, among the community. They hold profound feelings toward their civilization and relationship with vicinity. Woman love to portion their delightful dishes with their neighbors while kids chum uping around the kampung. This sort of sentiment dramas as an of import function in the development of Kampung Baru. There is no uncertainty that the people of Kampung Baru want development, but at the same clip the individuality of Kampung Baru as a Malay community must be maintained. Chapter 3.3: Comparison with the Singapore urban planning Figure 3.3: Singapore urban planning By detecting and look intoing Singapore urban planning ( Figure 3.3 ) , they wholly did a good occupation in this little state. Singapore originally is merely a little and lag behind state. After the World War II, Centre of Singapore faced really terrible urban troubles which are overcrowding, lodging deficit and insanitary life conditions. It caused a batch of unemployment job, infective disease and societal offense. In 1958s, the authorities comes out with a construct program [ 2 ] that makes full usage of land by reapportioning the countries severally. In the beginning of urban development, it appears two distinguishable countries which are greenwaies and new town country. First measure is to construct more public lodging in new town country. The decentralised policy leads the population and industry in the metropolis Centre displacement to other topographic point. It creates a balance and mean distribution of population and solved the lacking of lodging jobs. In the cardinal country, a big sum of stores, office, shopping Centre and epicurean flat occurred. Thoroughly downtown metropolis revived bit by bit, Singapore becomes an international finance, commercial centre and touristry attractive force. It speeds up the economic system growing of Singapore. The authorities of Singapore plans their scheme, from construct, counsel, urban planning to commanding, measure by measure implements it. The attitude of listening to the demands of occupant is the cardinal rule to be succeeded. Chapter 4: Decision In decision, Kuala Lumpur as a developing metropolis was improved a batch along the times. Even though Kuala Lumpur is still missing behind in footings of skyline quality compared to bigger metropoliss like Hong Kong, New York, Shanghai or Chicago, but it provides an iconic for its multi-cultural architecture found in traditional and modern edifices in the metropolis. Located within the bosom of aggressive metropolis of Kuala Lumpur, Kampung Baru has struggled to maintain up with monolithic urban development while continuing its traditional heritage. The singularity of this country could non be replaced by any types of trading. The thought of destruction the traditional Malay houses should be taken off. Old structures uncover its historical border and do a contrast with high rise edifice to show the betterment every bit good as development of engineering presents. Attempt to hold a better urban planning and direction in Malaysia, authorities should do an in-depth survey on the scheme of urban planning in Singapore. Mentions Website hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // ? file= % 2F2012 % 2F4 % 2F16 % 2Fcentral % 2F11111102 hypertext transfer protocol: // t=167496 hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // key=mrB8mYjSDrUDQUS5Lamnms8K3SJ42lFB20100225154009406 E-journal hypertext transfer protocol: // % 209-4.pdf hypertext transfer protocol: // Books Dale, O. J. ( 1999 ) . Urban planning in Singapore: The transmutation of a metropolis. Shah Alam, Malaysia: Oxford University Press. Suleiman Mohamed and Lokman Mohd. Zen ( 2000 ) ,Sejarah Kampung Baru: Di Sini Awal Segalanya Bermula Handss, J. ( 1941 ) .The History Of The Malay Agricultural Settlement Kuala Lumpur,From January 1899 to October 1941, Kuala Lumpur. 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