Friday, May 24, 2019


BENEFIT OF USING ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE They be so many of smokers in the world and every day the numbers of them are increasing rapidly especially the teenagers,but nowaday with the advanced of the technology then its created the electronic cigarettes and its becoming more widely used by people to either back up them quit smoke or prune the number of cigarettes they smoke each day. Does the electronic cigarette help the smokers to reduce their habit or continue to quit.First of all,we fire reduce the amount of the nicotine in our body slowly using the electronic cigrate. The cigrates does not give the sack like reciprocal cigrates that produce smoke but it burn somekind of liquid that entrust vaporized and the vapour contain an amount of nicotine that our body needed only. This leave alone shambling our addiction to the cigrate will reduce and then we will quit from smoking. Secondly,we also can save the money that we use to buy cigrates because when we use the electronic ci grate,the approach are much more cheaper than the common cigrate.This will not save the money of the smokers but also will make the smokers think twice about to continue their smoking habit that will cost a lot of money. As you known today,the cost of living in our country has gone up in recent years and this will make the smokers cannot affordable in their life because their addiction to smoke will make they always buy the cigrate. Lastly,the electronic cigrate also are less dangerous than the common cigrate because its doesnt contain the chemical like the common cigrate and most important it doesnt produce carbon monoxide and tar that will harmful our lung.With the fact that the electronic cigrate doesnt contain those harmful chemical this will make the smokers think about to quit their smoking habits or to reduce and start using the electronic cigrate. Holistically,the conclusion is there are a lot of benefit using the electronic cigrate and that is the best way to reduce or con tinue to quit the smoking habits. We just need to be clever to think on how to make it well. The smokers will think about the benefit above such as reduce the nicotine addiction,save their money and last but not least will keep their lung healthy.

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